Tuesday 27 January 2009


Is it just me that see's paying £3125 a year to sit in a room full of people who couldn't care less about whats going on, listening to a lecturer read out straight off a power point which then goes into a shared folder online afterward anyway stupid and a waste of money?

it seems to me that everywhere i turn in university there's people trying to 'save me money' various phone companies who tell me i pay too much to phone people and what have you. and you think oooh I'm a student look at the wonderful offer's that get thrown my way!!!!
unfortunately I'm a bit more of a realist, and don't buy a great deal of it, although there really are somethings out there that will save you money! for example, living 350 miles away from home i just could not survive without my rail card, traveling up and down the country would cripple me...(even more than it already does!)

But recently it's not the university as such screwing me over (which i will get to in a moment) that's been getting on my nerves. its been my immensely greedy landlord, who see's any oppurtunity to make more money out of us whenever her can. because quite frankly..... he's an arsehole.
it's still only january, and yet we've been told if we don't have our contracts for the next year signed by tomorrow, the rooms will go to other people.......this is the contract that starts in about 8 months....... but further to this he's found new and exciting ways to take our money away.
rent's gone up, although not massively so i can't really complain too much about that, as it's 0nly an extra £2 per week. what does severely annoy me though is why he feels its necessary to increase our summer retainer..by £70, which is almost a 50% increase on last year, 7 people in our house, so he gets an extra £490 for nothing, needless to say, i'm not and the rest of my house are not happy. and the worst thing is, is that there pretty much isnt a lot we can do about it, we can't exactly threaten to move out. he'll just get new people in anyway, probably tell them the rent is even higher cos they don't know what its been this year, and he wins even more!!!!
but whats more, and what really annoys me, is the fact that with all this extra cash we're supplying him with, we asked him what improvements he would make to the flat to account for such an increase, to which he told us pretty much nothing, and our house isn't great, a broken fridge and freezer, a broken sofa, carpets are....well lets just not even go inot that, they're not nice lets put it that way. broken floor boards and constant electrical and plumbing problems.... to which he sends his retarded son round to sort out, who then leaves us without heating or electric for about a week, and then blames it on us because he can't do his fecking job. it's a joke!

so anyway. back to the university itself, and what they do with money, well they get a mass load more money from us now, to pay people who can read and tick boxes, who should probably be on less than i was when i had a paper round. and what do they do with all this wonderful money? NOTHING!!!!!! oh no wait, they do alocate some of it to sports teams...i say some of it, i'm on the athletics team and we get our event entry fee's payed for.....and thats about it, most of the time no travel, and we never get accomodation or food payed for us. which is another wonderful way they've found of stealing our money.
they get in hollyoaks 'stars' (and i use stars in the loosest possible term) to come in and dj and what not for an hour, charge a fortune for that, i would go along, but i think i'll save it until they actually get someone worth coming to see....not like chico from last year....what a tit.
so what else, oh yeah, our university doesn't even own our student bar, or the sports facilities. but from what i hear has enough money to buy both of them tomorrow and still buy out leeds football clubs 30 times over. so we have to pay to use the sports facilities, (another way of shoving their hands into our wallets and robbing half of whats in it) and we have to pay....i'll just repeat that for anyone who did'nt get it....WE HAVE TO PAY TO GET INTO OUR STUDENT UNI BAR !!!!!! what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!

oh and just to finish off my little rant.. next year as i said my rent goes up as well as my summer retainer....tuition fee's go up again..i think, my student loan and grant? both go down, thank bellends, you worked that one out well didn't you. food prices go up, rail prices go up, and i have LESS money next year than i do now... and right now and haven't got a pot to piss in....well not after our landlords son tryed to fix it i havent!!!!!

note to self.....i need a job.

1 comment:

  1. Thats why you should live with us next year. Not only do you know the landlord is a christian, but he goes to the same church as us! And as for uni, don't even get me started . . . i think i could probably do a ramble about that myself actually.
