Friday 23 January 2009

Old People.....

I've been brought up in a society that tells me to respect my elders and i have absolutely no problems with that,
they've been around for along time, done they time at work, and seen various governments poo on them from a great height over many years.
BUT, what really gets my goat, is the unreal sense of disrespect that i get from old people either because they're just being ignorant, or because they stereotype me as a thug and no good youth because I'm under 25.

example. How many times do you stand to one side on a narrow pavement or narrow shop aisle to let some old lady slowly wander past you, for her to then NOT EVEN LOOK AT YOU, LET ALONE SAY THANK YOU !!!!!!
don't worry love, not a problem, yes I'm quite happy to let you past, but its not your god given right,
as well as that, i work in a small shop in my home town which is jam packed full of the elderly, and the amount of them that just slam their money down on the counter, take about 20 minutes to find that 5p that they know is in their purse somewhere. and after all this just walk off without a thank you, or anything.
Manners go along way, how are we supposed to teach youngsters that if not even old people can be bothered to utter one word of acknowledgment as they pass you!!!

Another thing about the aged in this country that really winds me up, is old drivers.
how on earth is 90 year old great grandad going to have the reactions to avoid a crash, my great grandad is turning 96 this year, and only stopped driving about 4 years ago, and the only reason he conceded to our constant lectures about how dangerous it was at his age is because he can barely see the front of his own car while he's driving, let alone the road and other road user's, many a time I've been stuck in a car behind someone who can barely make themselves a cup of tea, but perfectly happy to plod along in their Toyota Yaris at 20 mph in a 40 zone.
I'm a big fan of the whole, when you're 65 whatever it is, having to retake your test every 2/3 years, or whatever it is, just so that those that really aren't able to drive anymore and shouldn't be on the road no longer are, lets not forget that when your that age you didn't even have to take a driving test when you first got a car. back then owning a car WAS passing you're driving test!!!

However I'd like to stress that obviously not all people over 80 are like this, and i do know some very nice elderly people, with manners, and have the sense not to sit behind the wheel of a car, so don't be offended granny if you're reading this (which you won't be because I've never met a person over 75 with a computer never mind internet access!)
although it seems to me as people get older, this pattern seems to emerge!!!

I think that'll do for now,
before i get too many zimmer frames thrown at me the next time i go shopping!

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