Thursday 29 January 2009

My Housemates.......

for once, i'm not going to sit here and just rant quite angrily about something that annoys me...although they have there moment!!! :p

I love living in my house, and i thought I'd take a few minutes to give everyone else an insight into the people i live with. how they make my laugh till it hurts, and at the same time drive me up the wall!!!!!!

so lets start with...erm......Pete.
Pete lives in the room next to me where a wall about thickness of a sheet of paper separates us, which means its not hard to hear whats going on the other room...this definitely has its downsides!!!! not so much this year really, but last year when Varrie lived in that room...well, i'll get to her later!!!
pete has managed to aquire the name duracell from the rest of us, due the fact that we played football once and the guy just kept on running, seriously he's a machine!!! and he has his girlfirend over quite abit so it has other implications!!!!
but unfortunatley everyone has their downsides, and pete has a very rare illness which they say is uncurable, called isupportmanchesteruniteditis. symptoms include mocking liverpool fans, and gloating about being top of the table, and winning the premiership in recent years, it's a sad sad thing, and we all feel for him, hopefully they'll find something for it,l and no-one will ever have to suffer this dreaded illness ever again!!!!
but aside from being a manc he's a great lad, and i certianly don't have as much stuff on him i can mock him for than i do other people......other people like.....

rosie, rosie, rosie, never a dull moment when she's around, normally due to her priceless dippyness and gullableness (not sure if that's actually a word, but if i told rosie it was she'd believe me!!!) some of the stuff she comes out with is just priceless!!
for example wandering why her salmon was silver on one side!!! thinking gullable was written on the wall behind her cos we told her it was, claiming food doesnt taste as good outside!!! stuff like that!!!!
but she's a dear, and the house has certianly livened up a little since she moved it, i would say louder, but it could only be louder if there were two varries......getting to her later!!!!!!!
although she has a tendancy to want to steal my clothes for some reason, strange girl!!!!!
mostly the cool t-shirts pinned to my wall,
i've done a little estimating and worked out she spends 99.9% of her life on the phone to someone, normally while eating a burger from marmaris!!!!
she's a bit of a cleanaholic, not very keen in living in the craphole that our flat sometimes is, even though most of the time its not her mess.
which is good in someways, cos it means her room doesnt smell like sick/dead people anymore, i'm not even going to explain that, i think it's better to leave you to your imaginations!!!!!

so moving onto Charlotte.....
i have to start off with charlottle about her ridicoulus accent!!! i knew when i moved up north i would encounter a variety of northern accents, but the stuff that comes out of her mouth is just something else!!! even the pizza places mocks her when she orders over the phone. (chips and graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavy!!!!)
she's definetley settled into student that i mean she spends alot of money on clothes and doesn't go to uni very often, and when she doesn she just moans about it!!! but then dont' we all!!!!
her diet consists primarily of fish finger sandwiches and taboo.
i'm sorry charlotte if you read this i'm going to have to go back to your accent, i really have never heard anything like it, give her any normaly sentance to say and it'll be something you've never expereinced before..well i say that i guess most people from leeds speak like that, poor poor people!!!! :D

but before i mock her too much i'll move onto.....Sedge
sedge, shut the sedge up you sedging sedge, you just stink of sedge, so getting your sedging sedge out of my sedge before i kick you in the sedge.
how to describe sedge..... a character. he's almost like the daddy of the house, he does alot of cleaning, sorts out all the bills, takes the rubbish out most of the time, and always keeps people laughing with his dodgy stoke phrases, 'no word of a lie, or debeeeeet card'
has recently aquired a craving for mash potato and carrots....when he actually cooks the carrots. with some form of pie, otherwise just one massive pie and eating it out of the dish.
really really funny when he's drunk, he has no idea what he's going its like the little child inside him is allowed out to play, and he just goes crazy. funny funny times.
and if he moves out next year like he says he comute from stoke!!!!!!
then i'm going to shove a pineapple up his arse.

Laura Varrie!!! i knew i'd get to her eventually.
the best way to describe varrie i think is, to take a child who's had 24 cans of red bull in 10 minutes, give them a mega phone and a stupid hat an thats pretty much her.
the craziest, loudest, scariest person in the house, not someone you'd want to meet in a dark alley!!!!! she's scares the crap out of me!!!! has a wonderful nack for not doing her and daves washing up.... yeah you heard varrie!!!!!!
she spends about 6 hours on a night our putting make up, and then another 4 hours taking it off after.
but the one thing you'd instantly notice about her is the random noises she makes!!! high pitched squeels and full on bellowing/shouting/screaming are common when she's around.
likes her bag of wine,
but just a crazy crazy person!!!!!!

currently away on placement for about 6 weeks so i can slag her off all i like and she can't do anything about it!!!!! but i'm not that mean!!!!
firstly she's a DIRTY SMOKER!!!!!! likes her chocolate, you can tell when someone likes their chocolate too much because they sit in the front room eating chocoalte spread straight out of a jar with a tea spoon!!!! another person who tends to come out with funny dippy things, or things that don't quite seem that stupid until you've said them. (10 inches is big enough for me isnt it?)
gets quite agressive when she's drunk, and when she's not falling over and breaking her ankle she's normally hitting someone or kicking them in the groin...
also another takeaway addict just like rosie and charlotte. infact i'm not sure ive ever seen michaela make a proper meal.......ever.
oh she does make me laugh!!!!

thats pretty much everyone in my flat.
apart from seabass but thats another story......
although i could go on about the guys the sort of live with us in the flat below (it's basically just one big house)... er hang on how long is it already cos i've noticed these are getting increasingly longer and i'f i do go-on thats another 4 people to talk about....

erm no i think i'll save that for another topic, maybe later today, maybe tomorrow or whenever.
this is quite lengthy enough i think!!!!!

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