Thursday 29 January 2009


this is a strange one for me, becuase 80% of the time, i'm football mad, and i get very very passionate about games and about liverpool......
BUT...... there are so many things about football that drive me completely mental.

lets start with money shall we, that's always a good place to start....
a few weeks ago i had my tonsils out, can be a risky operation, but i knew i was in good hands, the surgeon had about 30 years experience and has had situations in the past where ha has had to think fast in order to stop someones bleeding and save their lives, the whole process of an operation is so intricate and there are no room at all for errors, this is a guy who lives with serious pressure everyday when putting people under the knife, every single day people lives are soley in his care. if anything goes wrong in an operation, its him that has to take the fall for it, which could include making mistakes that lead to difficulties in theatre. society would collapse without surgeons, doctors, nurses to keep the nation as healthy as they can. and surgeons at best get paid 80 thousand pounds a year. thats alot of money, but when you look at what they do. i think its worth it, they deserve to get paid that much, based on their job.
Professional footballers? spend 90 minutes a week kicking around a ball for the enjoyment of the watching community, supposedly role models? yeah right, when you have people like joey barton in football how is that good role modeling, half of them can't spell the club they play for,
75% of them can't speak the language of the country their team plays in. they start fights with their own team members. swear and shout at match officials and are generally retarded arrogant morons. who get paid....ooh let me think, oh yes somewhere in the region of £30,000-£100,000 a week!!!!
lets take chelsea for example, starting 11, maybe on a combined weekly wage of around just under £1 million. enough to pay just over 10 surgeons for saving people lives over the course of a year. something not quite right there is there.......
but its not just what they get payed. how is one person worth £100 million!!!!!!!! thats like 1/4 of the entire building costs for 2012....FOR ONE PERSON TO KICK A BALL AROUND A FIELD!!!!!!! its ridiculous.
if i was prime minster, i'd tax all footballers 30% + of their wages and put it straight into the education system, nhs, and housing. how many problems would that solve?
we're supposedly in a recession, people cane barely afford to feed them selves and pay bills anymore, and yet here we have Wayne (i'm an ugly, arrogant, childish, immature t**t) Rooney still being payed £90,000 a week or whatever he's on just just shout abuse at people and be a general d**khead.

so after ranting slighty about the ridiculous amounts of money these 'professionals' ( i say it like this because how many of them actually act professionally?) get paid, i'm going to move onto something a little closer to home. quite literally....

I've been a massive Liverpool fan for over 15 years now. and every year i live with the disappointment of being that little bit short of the title, and every year, we say, 'this is our year!!!' this season for example we got to Christmas top of the table, and thats been great for us, we beat Chelsea away from home, beat united at anfield! awesome!!....BUT WHAT GOOD IS IT IF YOU CANT PUT A GOAL PAST STOKE CITY IN 2 GAMES AGAINST THEM!!!!!! seriously, stoke twice, Fulham, west ham, Everton, and Wigan last night, we do all the work beating the big important teams, and then manage to draw against borderline relegation candidates, and most of them while playing at home. its almost soul destroying being a Liverpool fa this year, once again its going to be a case of close, but not close enough.
although i have to stress at this point my utmost sympathy to any Newcastle or Portsmouth fans, the two teams who i think have probably got it worse than us.

what else....oh yeah..the national team!
where to even fecking start. oh i now, how about the fact that the english team doesn't have an english manger....with any english backroom staff...apart from stuart pearce bless him.
there's 60 million people in this country and we can't find one of them to lead our country adequately, oh but capello is a great manager billy, why would you say that? i'll tell you why, because i firmly believe that each country should only be able to appoint staff from there own country, you can't have players from other countries, why should coaching staff be any different?
but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter because the england team is wank. all because of the stupid money going round the premiership which means everyone buys foreign these day's and english lads don't even get a chance, and those that do are thrown into the full england team too early, you watch theo walcott burn out before he's 26... trust me

mmm anything else....yes, of course yes, how could i finish without saying anything about manchester united and alex fecking ferguson.
i think i was one of the few people the other week who stood up after rafa had his rant about 'sir' Alex Ferguson.....SIR??? what the hell did he do to deserve that, he's a good manager. woopteedoo. plus he's Scottish, no Scottish people should be allowed any honors from the queen, purely based on the fact that most of them hate us know i've decided my next rant is definitely about this space!!!
anyway back to old red faced chew gum himself, i live in Ormskirk, about 30 miles or so..(i don't actually know haw far it is thats just a guess) from Manchester, and i can smell the stink of his arrogance from here. it fills the air in the north west like cloud of pollution, when he's talking on tv i can see all the plants outside dying just from the effect of it.
there are two questions i've always wandered about Alex Fergsuson. and they are, how much does he pay referee's and how often, but i don't think i'll ever find that out....
last penalty at old Trafford against Manchester united? no i can't think of one either.

i should probably give it a rest there, although i feel i have so much more to say, it is getting bit long and if i was you i wouldn't want to have read even half of this!!!!
so maybe lookout for football part 2!!!!

is it just me, or am i getting more and more aggressive as this blog goes on?

in the meantime....... stick two fingers up in the general direction of manchester....i find it helps!!!!


  1. whos top ov the league billy :P u guessed it SIR Alex Ferguson and the boys

  2. lol, i would have been kidding myself if i didn't think i'd get a comment from a manc lol!!!!
